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For about two and a half years, I’ve been conservatively treating a chronic knee condition with Dr. Garlick. Unfortunately, the time came where there was only one remaining option. Dr. Garlick recently performed the knee replacement. The day of the operation, Dr. Garlick’s explanations of the operation and what to expect the next few days afterwards had a reassuring and calming effect – especially for my wife. Throughout the process, Dr. Garlick has been incredibly informative. No question that we had, and we had many, went without a thorough explanation. I am just about one month post-op and my results thus far have been fantastic. I have been very attentive to the physical therapy goals set by Dr. Garlick. Each day, I’m seeing incremental improvements which is exciting and encouraging. A few days ago, the tape over the incision was removed. Having seen the scars on others, I was prepared to see one of those Frankenstein scars. When the tape was removed I could not believe my eyes! There was literally minimal scarring and with time that will lessen more. I appreciate Dr. Garlick’s attention to every facet of the operation. At this point, the final results of the strength and mobility of the knee are up to me. I hope I can do my part as brilliantly as Dr. Garlick has done his.