OTS Research
The Orthopaedic Trauma Service has a robust research program staffed with dedicated and experienced research nurse coordinators, statistician, and biomechanical engineers. Research staff assist OTS surgeons and fellows with all research tasks, including literature searches; protocol development; budget preparation; IRB submissions and coordination; preparation of grant applications; medical record and radiograph collection for review; consenting research subjects; scheduling of research studies (radiographic or laboratory studies); data collection, including completion of patient outcome measurement; photo and/or video documentation; data entry, validation and formatting; and documentation of IRBs and study sponsors. In addition, numerous USF and visiting orthopaedic residents and medical students participate in ongoing projects.
An OTS trauma registry is coordinated by a research coordinator. Admission variables are documented for patients who consent to be included in the registry, including fracture pattern, mechanism of injury, comorbidities, and injury and treatment variables. The registry is utilized to track the volume and type of fracture patterns treated, and to identify potential subjects for specific research projects.
The Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education (FORE) was established to provide patients with world-class orthopaedic care through research and education. FORE focuses on clinical and biomechanical research, surgical training and continuing medical education (CME). Collaboration is welcomed and encouraged between MDs, PhDs and research staff. (Website: https://www.foreonline.org)
Florida InnoVation and Education (FIVE) Labs is a new and innovative facility designed to educate the next generation of healthcare professionals and to foster creativity for the development of technologies for healthcare’s biggest challenges. It includes a bioskills lab, a conference center, and an innovation studio. (Website: https://fivelabs.org/)
The Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma (JOT) is devoted exclusively to the diagnosis and management of hard and soft tissue trauma, including injuries to bone, muscle, ligament, and tendons, as well as spinal cord injuries. The editor-in-chief and managing editor have their offices in Tampa.